Sunday, December 16, 2007

Week 6 Wrapup

The running this week went well. I felt like I was prepared for the 5 minute stretches of running finally. However, my foot started hurting a couple of times this week and ruined the runs on Tuesday and Saturday. My foot doesn't hurt at all any other times, but hurt so much on those days I had to stop. I can't really find a pattern to it at all. I can't find any thing that I'm doing that's making it hurt any different from the times when it doesn't hurt, so I guess I'll just keep going and see how it plays out.

Saturday's run wasn't just foot problems. I had absolutely no energy running that day, and felt like it was a huge struggle just to lift my legs. I'm hoping that my day of rest today makes it all better tomorrow.

The other thing I noticed a lot this week is that it's getting colder. Colder for us is still downright balmy for some of our far flung friends and family. But, considering that most nights we aren't able to get out until 10:30 or later, we end up starting when it's around 45 degrees or so outside. I still don't have the right clothes for running in cold. I can bundle up, but once my body starts warming up, I get too hot and sweaty. But, if I don't bundle up, I'm uncomfortable when I first start.

What we normally do is walk about a half mile to a nearby park (running the last one or two minutes of it) to warm up. There we do our stretching. By the time I'm halfway done stretching, I'm not that cold anymore. It's that first few minutes that are miserable, though. As an experiment, I ran the whole way from home to the park on Saturday, and still didn't feel any warmer until after I started stretching. So, evidently, it takes a while for the body's core temperature to rise or whatever happens to make you feel warmer when you exert yourself. The end result is that if it gets too much colder, we'll probably have to run in place or something at home to warm up, then stretch at home and hit the ground running when we get outside.

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