Monday, November 17, 2008

Year 2, Week 3, Day 1

Weight (today's reading): 181.4

Weight (weighted moving average): 180.4

Today's food: yogurt, 4 clementines, shepherd's pie, pear, 2 peanut butter cookies, shepherd's pie, tall grapefruit juice, handful of almonds, microwave popcorn

Today's exercise: 5 miles @ 9:48 (including 4 trips up the hill by the track); 60 pushups


Derek said...

Two questions:

When Shepherd's Pie appears twice in the rundown of foods eaten, is that something like a steak sandwich and a steak sandwich (charged to the Underhills, of course)?

Does only one drink mean you really only had one drink all day, as in the tall grapefruit juice here?

Please let me know at your earliest convenience.

Aaron said...

Yes, whenever you see something repeated in my list, that indeed means I've charged both servings to the Underhills' account.

As far as drinks go, I'll only list drinks that have any caloric content. I'll usually start the day with a can of whatever diet pop is in the fridge (Diet Mountain Dew Code Red this week), and drink water throughout the day as my needs and wants dictate. But, since those things aren't affecting my weight in the long term, I don't bother tracking them.