Sunday, February 22, 2009

Year 2, Week 16 Wrapup

I spent the second half of this week in Mexico with Becki's mom, the Clonts family, and the Gabbitas family. A Mexico trip of course means about triple what I should be eating, so I don't think it will be reversing the slowly upward weight trend of late.

I did a 16 mile long run on Saturday while I was down there. Basically, I ran 5 miles to the Pemex, bought Gatorade, ran 3 miles out towards Caborca, ran 3 miles back to Pemex, bought Gatorade again, then ran back to the house. Later that day, my right knee started hurting something fierce. It was fine during the run, but when it started hurting later, it hurt right behind the kneecap. It hurt to kneel on, and it hurt on stairs, and it hurt to flex it when getting up after sitting for a while. I'll have to see if it turns into something worse or not.

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