Saturday, August 30, 2008

Week 43, Day 6

Weight (today's reading): 191.0

Weight (weighted moving average): 191.1

Today's blood pressure: forgot

Today's food: pop tart, meatball sandwich, costco samples, 4 pieces cornmeal breaded fish, broccoli with cheese sauce, tall glass of grapefruit juice cocktail, pluot, bowl of sherbet, handful of marshmallows

Today's exercise: none


Derek said...

Knowing what somebody, anybody is eating everyday is awesome.

However, my mostest favorite thing on this blog is when you eat a handful of something. I think this is because (a) it helps me to imagine you putting your hand in a package of some kind, drawing it out, and then either throwing the whole business down the hatch, or alternatively, slowly picking the items of food out from your hand one at a time while you sit on the couch, and (b) it amazes me that someone can eat only one handful of something, whereas I am wont to eat three or four, the first having made me feel good enough to not want to stop this feeling.

Aaron said...

I rarely mention serving size, because I just know from looking at the item I've written what my normal serving size would be for that item. So, I only mention a serving size when it deviates from my normal.

In someways, that actually helps me, because I think, "Here in the folds of the couch is the corner of someone's pop tart. I would eat this, except then I would have to get up and go to the computer to write 'one corner of pop tart' in my log."

Also, if I eat something and begin to exceed a standard serving size, I would have to decide to either stop, or go all the way to next more logical serving size, because if stop in between, I wouldn't necessarily know an easy way to explain it. For example, before, I might have a bowl of ice cream, but then eat a few more spoonfuls out of the carton because I wasn't fully satiated. However, I don't feel like typing "one bowl of ice cream, plus a few spoonfuls right out of the carton". So, I'll stop right at the one bowl. That alone has probably saved me a couple of pounds along the way.

Note that it's only laziness and not shame that has saved me in those situations. There are at least a couple of daily entries that list more than 6 donuts in a day, for example. If my shame at having to type that could only save me from actually eating that, I would be much better off.

And, with regard to the marshmallows, it was very literally as you described, with sticking my claw into the bag, pulling it out stuffed with marshmallows, and then sitting on the couch watching TV with my right hand crammed full of marshmallows while my left hand picked them out one by one.

Aaron said...

From The West Wing, Season 3, Episode 9: "Bartlet for America"

You had a [handful of marshmallows].

I'm a [cheeth]. I don't have one [handful of marshmallows]. (pauses) I don't understand people who have one [handful of marshmallows]. I don't understand people who leave half a [bag of Doritos] on the table. I don't understand people who say they've had enough. How can you have enough of feeling like this? How can you not want to feel like this longer? (pauses, sighs) My brain works differently.

Derek said...


Also .