Monday, October 6, 2008

Week 49, Day 1

Weight (today's reading): 183.8

Weight (weighted moving average): 187.0*

Today's blood pressure: 145/81

Today's food: grapes, yogurt, nectarine, apple, peanut butter crackers, noodles in cream sauce

Today's exercise: 1 mile warmup, 3 miles @ 8:40, 1 mile cooldown; 60 pushups

* new low


Carson said...

How do you measure the weighted moving average?

Aaron said...

It's basically a shortcut formula used to approximate an exponentially smoothed moving average with 10% smoothing. I'm going to respond to this in excruciating detail in my next weekly wrapup. In the meantime, feel free to read the "Signal and Noise" section in The Hacker's Diet for discussion on moving averages and why you'd use them in weight loss. Also read the "Pencil and Paper" section if you're interested at all in the math behind the various weighted moving average formulas. Also, read that section if you want your head to hurt.