Sunday, May 18, 2008

Week 28 Wrapup

Everything's still going well. This particular training schedule has every fourth week be a week of easy runs to rest and recuperate and such. So, I only did fifteen miles total this week, all at a pace of 10:49. Yeah, pretty slow. Next week it will be back to the previous routine of easy run, speedwork or tempo run, and long run.

I'm feeling the slightest hint of recurrence of my previous injury at the same spot on my left tibia, so I'm trying to ice it preemptively every day to see if I can keep it from coming back.

This week, I busted out our Snakmaster (sic), which we hadn't used in maybe a year. "What's a Snakmaster?", I pretended you asked. Well, let me explain. It's this little sandwich maker thing that you put bread into, then put stuff between the bread, then smash it all together. It ends up making this triangular tartlets of whatever you crammed in there. It's a great way to use up leftovers, and I'm sad I've been neglecting it. This particular unit has been in my family nearly 20 years now, and is still going strong, although we do have a newer unit we use as a backup or as reinforcements during parties. Anyway, that explains the references to "Snaks" in my food logs.

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