Sunday, May 4, 2008

Week 26 Wrapup

I've been doing this 26 weeks now. That's half a year. Time really flies when you're inflicting pain on yourself.

Running's okay still. I ran 9 miles on Saturday. I left the house at about 6:50 AM, and got back about around 8:30. It was around 54° when I left, and in the mid 60s when I got back, so it wasn't too hot. I still have a lot of trouble running in the morning beyond the obvious aversion to getting up early. When I left the house, I had barely gone a quarter mile before feeling like I was spent and needed to stop and rest. It just seems like all of the ATP or ADP or whatever floats in the bloodstream as fuel gets all bound up with something else during the night and doesn't shake free until after I've been up and moving for a while. After I had run a couple of miles, I felt okay, but those first couple of miles really sucked, and the last half of the run was definitely more easy than the first.

I don't feel injured at all from the last couple of weeks of running, but my legs are just a little sore and tired today. I have the very slightest hint of a pain on the outside of my right knee, but it's been there a few days, and doesn't seem like it's getting any worse, so I'll ignore it.

The interesting thing about the long run is this: I weighed myself naked right before leaving, and then right after returning. Even though I carried my ersatz Camelbak with me and drank around a liter of water from it, I came back 2.6 pounds lighter than when I left. This was kind of alarming. That would mean I had a net water loss of about 1 1/4 liters from the run. Even though I drank a lot more water after weighing in, I didn't pee for about 2 more hours, and even then it was the really dark yellow kind. It wasn't even that hot out, so I can definitely expect this to get worse as the summer wears on. I'll definitely be forcing myself to drink more while on the run so as to not die.

Also, after my shirt finally dried it was able to stand on its own due to the stiffness from all the dried salt in it. If I'm losing that much, I might be wanting to switch to Gatorade on the run, or at least carry a salt lick.

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