Thursday, November 1, 2007

What's This?

I'm embarking on an intensive eight week program of diet and exercise in an attempt to better my overall health (or at least determine if it's possible to better my health solely through diet and exercise).

Because I want to keep a record of what I do and eat during this time, I've decided to create a blog so that record can be centrally accessible and easily updatable. On this blog, I'll keep track of all of the exercise I do and everything I eat during the eight weeks, along with relevant measures like blood pressure and weight.

Those who know me might be a little stumped at the idea of me putting these intimate sort of details about myself out there on the interweb. In actual reality, I'm an intensely private sort of person. However, I'm attempting to draw on the resource of public shame to keep myself committed to my plan. My thinking is that if I publicly announce my commitment, and publicly track the details of my followup, any failure will be equally public and the idea of such a public failure will be motivation enough to keep me going.

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