Sunday, January 13, 2008

Week 10 Wrapup, Mexican Vacation Edition

I skipped a couple of days last week because of sickness, and skipped Monday of this week for the same reason. The rest of the week we were in Mexico with Scott and Julie. The running is still going fine, and my muscles, bones, and overall endurance seemed okay. Scott ran with us while we were there. I was hoping that since he lives in Minnesota where it's cold, he would have gotten fat and out of shape from lack of exercise. Unfortunately, that's not the case, and he can still run circles around me.

I attempted to keep track of what I was eating there, but it was just way too much, and I gave up after a while. I'm quite certain I gained a few pounds on the trip, but more sensible eating over the next week will be sure to take it off again.

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