Sunday, June 22, 2008

Week 33 Wrapup

Another week of just barely avoiding killing myself. It's still very hot at night when I run (an average of 95 degrees at 10:30 PM).

For the long run this week, I woke up at 4 AM, then left the house at 4:20. I got to the snake bridge and started running at just after 4:30, at which point the sky was already mostly lit up. The sun itself appeared over the horizon just a few minutes later. This was really frustrating to me, as I thought I would be avoiding that for at least a little bit of the run. That's why I got up so early. Sheesh. It was about 79 degrees when I started, and only got up to about 82 by the time I finished at 7:30, but with the sun shining on me the whole time it felt a lot hotter.

My knees really started hurting about six miles in, which was worrying, because I've never had knee trouble before. An occasional knee pain here or there, but not a lot while I'm running. Then, at about the eight mile mark, I landed one stride and had my leg muscles just completely fail to contract in time. So, my leg went limp, and I fell down almost to my knee before bouncing back up again. It was really weird and scary, and I told myself that if it happened again I'd quit the run. It didn't, I pressed on, and all was okay after that.

I drank about 2 1/3 liters total, so I only lost a net 4.8 pounds on that run.

Next week is the off week, which is supposed to just be three easy runs. However, I'm going to throw in speedwork in the middle of the week to make up for the speedwork I wasn't doing when I was on vacation.

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