Sunday, March 23, 2008

Week 20 Wrapup

This week I was mostly in Mexico (Rocky Point), so I was eating about three times what I might eat at home.

I had to modify the running schedule a bit, first to match the travel schedule, and then because I was hurting too much. The pain has now become more specific and localized to about a six inch long area on the inside of my lower left leg. I have no idea what kind of muscles or ligaments are running through that area, so I have no idea what I may have pulled or torn or broken or what kinds of things may be done to alleviate it. All I know is that I ran a little less than I wanted to this week, and ran it all a lot slower.

It was nice to run in Mexico, though, because it was all dirt, so it was easier on my legs. Plus, the road was hilly, but not too hilly, so it will be a good approximation of the race course next week. Plus, I was able to do my running with Becki and Carson, so that makes it more fun. The one day that we ran in the middle of the afternoon really sucked, though. It was really hot, we sweat a whole lot, and my mouth was really dry by the end. The long run on Saturday was much easier. It was in the evening, and I felt great doing it. After about 5 miles, I was feeling great, and felt like I could have easily gone another 5.

I got the new shoes on Monday, but only got to wear them once before going to Mexico. I took the old shoes to Mexico since they're already dirty. So, I don't know if the new shoes are going to be any better yet.

Speaking of shoes, one member of the other family that was with us is also a runner, but forgot to bring his shoes. He went to town to try and find a cheap pair of shoes, resigning himself to the fact that he would most likely end up with a cheap Chinese no-name pair that gives him blisters or something. He went to one store that was exactly what he expected, but they directed him to another, even smaller store that just happened to carry real name brand running shoes. He got a pair of New Balance racing flats for like $59. Quite a deal.

So, the race is next week. If my leg still hurts, I will have to decide between trying to run through it and risking not being able to run the race, or resting it and being not trained enough to meet my goal. So, because of this, I'm only giving myself even odds on meeting my 1 hour goal.

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